Ofer - Administrative Detention, Detention until conclusion of proceedings

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Vivi Sury, Nitza Aminov (reporting)

Translation: Marganit W.


Facebook posts are dangerous (when posted by Palestinians, of course)


Muhammad Yunes Ahmad Kawazba,

a student of Hebron University.


He was arrested in his home eight days ago.


The hearing dealing with remand extension until the end of the proceedings took place in Judge Lieut.-Col. Shmuel Kedar’s court.

Atty. Ashraf Abu Sneina represented Mr. Kawazba.


Here are the main points:

There is no denying that five posts were published in the detainee’s Facebook account from Nov. 2018 until Aug. 2019, almost a year and half ago.

The protocol notes that Muhammad Kawazba was wanted for administrative detention  -  but elsewhere it says that he is already under administrative detention.

We did not get this part – perhaps it will be made clearer in the next hearing.

In his decision, the judge noted that the charge is one of incitement. He did not find a direct call for violence in the posts, but there was a expression of admiration for Shaheeds. The judge deemed that the declared praise for martyrs – with the attendant ‘likes’ and responses – constitutes risk, and therefore no alternative to detention can be considered..

An arraignment hearing was set for 5.4.20.


Judge Lieut-. Col. Rani Amar continued arguing with Atty. Mahmoud Hassan in the case of

Khalida Jarrar.

On 10.2.20 Atty. Hassan moved to disqualify Judge Amar from continuing the hearing in this case. Atty. Hassan argued that Judge Amar presided in the remand hearing of Witnesses No. 5 and No.6 (Prosecution witnesses) and then further barred Witness No. 5 from meeting with counsel.

We do not presume to understand these proceedings that involve preliminary arguments,

appeal etc.

Dates were set for the defense to bring its arguments, then the prosecution will respond and so forth.

Arraignment hearing was set for 30.3.20 at 13:30.