Ofer - Holding and trading of combat materiel, Minors
Translation: Marganit W.
There are only plea bargains at the Military Court
Justice Major Sebastian Ossovsky presided over the hearing of Taer Awidat and his friend – both released on bail.
Both were represented by Atty. Avi Bar’am.
Here’s what happened: Taer and a friend, both working in Jericho, decided to buy a car together. But there was a problem: the car could not be locked. They drove to Taibe (in Palestine) to get it fixed. But lo and behold, the police was waiting for them and arrested them. During a search of the car a gun was found under one of the seats. It turned out that the gun was not functioning. In addition, there were no fingerprints of either detainee on the gun. They were arrested anyway and the car was impounded.
Later they were released on bail.
The original indictment (which we did not see) was amended and now says: “carrying, possessing and manufacturing arms”.
In his decision the judge wrote: “It was pointed out to me that there is difficulty proving that one of the detainees was aware of the gun’s presence in the car, and there is doubt regarding its functionality. Moreover, there is no claim that the gun was connected to any criminal or terror activity.”
6-months suspended sentence for 3 years on condition that he doesn’t commit the same violation 3 days from the day of release, plus a 2500 shekel fine.
Again, there are only plea bargains and they include admission of guilt.
What happened to “innocent until proven guilty”?
In the yard we met the parents of a boy we wrote about on 12.4.18. Today was his hearing to determine if he can be released against 5000 shekel bail. The parents told us that they had already posted the bail and were waiting for their son. They were going to take him to a medical examination right away. Reminder: the boy was arrested at a demonstration. When he lay on the ground, a bullet was discharged, hitting him in the neck. He was taken to Beilinson Hospital and from there to Ofer Prison.