Russian Compound, Jerusalem - Activity against security in the region, Health Problems
Translation: Marganit W.
Judge: Lieut. Col. Sh. Fleischman
Police investigator: Zayd Katash
Defense: Maamoun Hashim, Judd Kadamani, Saleh Muhseyn
Three cases in the docket.
Throughout the hearings today the judge played the role of investigator: he answered the defense, sometimes impatiently, sometimes superciliously. There was an atmosphere of festival in the remand extension hall.
Marceel Abdullah Muhammad Aata – ID 403160682
from Ramallah.
He was arrested on 6.7.16.
His detention has already been extended twice. He gave several statements to the police and was interrogated by the Shabak [GSS] a couple of times. He has been in detention for a long time and he is in very poor mental state.
His attorney, Maamoun Hashim moves to transfer the case to the prosecution.
Judge’s summation: there are credible suspicions. The respondent linked himself to incidents of rock and firebomb throwing at IDF soldiers.
Decision: 8-day remand extension with a request to finish the interrogation as fast as possible and hand the case over to the prosecution.
The judge asks to notify the defense when this happens.
Saed Ahmad Yussef Altalhama – ID 9946478641
A resident of Dura, arrested on 24.7.16.
Defense: Maamoun Hashim and Judd Kadamani.
The Investigators request a 15-day remand extension.
Charge: Endangering security in the region.
The investigator refuses to enumerate other charges claiming it might compromise the case. The rest of the information is in the secret file. This is his reply to most questions. Even when the defense asks: What links the suspect to “another man” during whose interrogation several others were arrested, most of them already released.
Q: Is the respondent a relative of the man you are seeking information about?
A: In the secret file.
Q: Are you seeking information on the connection between them?
A: In the secret file.
Q: Do you have information about the respondent?
A: In the secret file.
Defense summation: The detainee has 3 children. He is asked to inform about a relative of his wife (“the other man”). The respondent told the interrogators that he had met the “other man”, the wanted one, in a restaurant at the end of Ramadan. It was a family gathering. He has not met him since and has no connection to him.
The reason for the arrest is a family kinship. Knowing “the other man” is not a violation.
The defense requests the release of his client.
Judge’s summation: This is his first remand. I was given a secret file and other documents – they all indicate detention is warranted.
Decision: 11-day extension.
The judge added instructions for the prison medical unit: the detainee has recently had kidney stone operation and requires follow-up. He must not drink tap water. The judge wrote it down, but he was not sure that mineral water would be supplied.
Mahmoud Ibrahim Abed Alhari – ID 912066636
Arrested on 10.7.16
Charged with connection to “another man” who is wanted for “activity endangering security in the region.”
As for the circumstances of the arrest, the investigator refers to the secret file. This is the third remand extension. The defense asks if there is additional material since the last remand. Is there additional proof against him?
The judge says, Yes: he had three polygraph tests and failed all of them.
The investigator shows signs of discomfort at the judge’s answer.
The detainee told the defense that he was interrogated for long hours with his hands tied behind his back. After 18 days of investigation, the defense demands that the police show corroborating evidence. The polygraph results cannot serve as grounds for additional interrogation. The detainee told his interrogators that he was very nervous before his polygraph test and this affected the results. He cooperates with the police.
The defense asks to release his client or at least shorten the investigation.
Judge’s summation: The detainee was interrogated by the police and by the Shabak [GSS].
Despite the defense’s claim, there is credible evidence in the file to detain him, not just his acquaintance with the “other man”. There are other issues that warrant detention.
Decision: 8-day remand extension.