Russian Compound, Jerusalem - Administrative Detention, Remand Extension
Translation: Marganit W.
Judge: Lieut. Col. Menahem Lieberman
Police Investigator: Ziad Aktish
Defense: Atty. Ma’amoun Heshim, Judd Kadamani
There are 4 cases in the docket: one is remand extension of an administrative detainee.
The judge determined that only a military prosecutor could extend administrative detentions.
Additional cases:
Muhammad Ibrahim Abed Al Rahman – ID 854300282
There is agreement on a 4-day extension and on transferring the case to Ofer Military Court.
Daoud Anad Daoud Hamid – ID 402679377
The investigator requests 15 additional days to complete the investigation.
The suspect was arrested at home on Jan. 5. He is suspected of throwing a firebomb and endangering security in the region.
The suspect cooperates with the interrogators; there is some progress. We regard the investigation as completed. There should be fewer days for the interrogation.
Judge’s summation: Despite the significant progress in the case, there is need for further interrogation. Remand extension until Thurs. the 19th.
Islam Muid Muhammad Hamid – ID 4026799377
The investigator requests 15 additional days.
Hamid was arrested on 5.1.17 at Allenby Bridge Crossing.
Q and A between the defense and the investigator:
Q: Was there any object on the suspect?
A: It’s in the secret file.
Q: When did the incident take place?
A: Recently.
Q: What info led to his arrest? Did he have accomplices?
A: It’s in the secret file.
Defense Summation:
We object to the remand extension. The arrest is apparently based on intelligence. We don’t think there is ground for detention, especially since the source is a relative who has a disagreement with the detainee. The detainee rejects the charges.
Judge’s Summation: (the only detail I can report confidently is the number of additional days. (The judge dictated the decision softly and we could not hear.)
Remand extension until Thurs. the 19th.