Russian Compound, Jerusalem - Barred (from meeting with attorney), Minors
Translation: Marganit W.
Judge: Lieut. Col. Menahem Lieberman
Police Investigator: Zayed Atash
Defense: Ma’amoun Heshim, Firas Sabah, Judd Kadmani
7 cases in the docket, two are barred from seeing counsel and one is juvenile.
Ahmad Faik Shaaban Gazawi – ID 401470141
Defense: Ma’amoun Heshim
There is an agreement between the sides: remand extension of 4 days, then the case goes to the prosecution.
Ahmad Muhammad Deeb Haroub – ID 936154715
Defense: Firas Sabah
This is his second remand extension. In the previous hearing Justice Levy extended his remand by 8 days and asked to transfer the case to the prosecution, unless there is justification to prolong the investigation.
The defense says his client was arrested on 23.11 and since then has been under daily interrogation by the Shabak [GSS] regarding his ties to activists from Gaza. He gave a statement to the police and explained his ties to Gaza. He denied that his ties constitute danger to the region. The defense asked the court to check if there was progress in the investigation that warranted 11 additional days in detention.
He also asked, on behalf of his client, to have his medical problems addressed.
Judge’s summation:
The police requests 11 days extension to complete the investigation. The respondent gave a statement, linking himself to dangerous security violations. In an earlier hearing Justice Levy ordered an extension and transfer of the case to the prosecution, unless there are new circumstances. “I don’t think there is any significant progress in the investigation since the last hearing. I am not convinced there is justification to detain him any longer for interrogation. The investigators should make an effort…”
Remand extension until Dec. 19 at 13:00.
Mahmoud Ali Abed Ahmad – ID 401470141
He has been in detention since 28.11.16.
Defense: Firas Sabah.
The investigators request 11 additional days to conclude the investigation.
From the questions and answered we learned:
The detainee gave a statement; the secret file contains info about the investigation; there are no additional charges; the investigation has not concluded. It is not clear from the secret file if other people were implicated.
The defense wants to know if his client has been asked about the number of rocks he allegedly threw…
Judge’s decision:
Twelve days ago the police requested a 12-day remand extension to investigated allegations contained in the secret file. Having examined the file today, the judge deduced that only two clauses, out of the many contained there, have been investigated.
There is no explanation why the others were left undone. The interrogations should not last more than half an hour; they are “frontal”. “It is inconceivable that the court should order a remand extension for an interrogation and no actions are taken, without sufficient explanation.
Justice Lieberman sees no justification to order a remand extensios.
He extends the detention until this coming Thursday, 16.16 at 12:00.
As soon as the underage detainee was shown in, we had to leave. The boy is from Silwad. We gathered that the charge is that when the soldiers entered the village, the boy “welcomed” them with rocks.
We could not stay for the hearing of the detainees who are barred from seeing their counsel.