Irtah (Sha'ar Efrayim), Sun 16.8.09, Morning
Sunday is a difficult day at Irtah.
Thousands of laborers are waiting to enter, including holders of permits to stay in Israel. It is necessary to convince anybody possible to open the entrance at 04:00.
04:00 We arrived
We brought two bags with shoes for the children who sell coffee.
They we very happy.
04:30 Esti Z. and a guest called Peter arrived.
04:30 The turnstiles were opened.
05:00 The turnstiles were closed for about 10 minutes.
05:26 It is still dark but the already put out the projectors.
One laborer returned because of fingerprints.
05:38 They made about hundred laborers enter at once, and created a dense congestion around the magnometer. Each queue was stopped and nobody passes. The guard shouts at them via loudspeaker to pass one by one.
06:05 They don't open the turnstiles. Again the workers are detained.
06:15 The turnstiles are opened.
06:23 There are still about 200 workers who didn't pass.
06:35 The turnstiles are reopened after a delay of 10 minutes.
07:00 The queue is all through.
Generally: The queue usually ends at 06:00 in the best of cases, but on Sundays the situation is terrible and the queue drags on till 07:00. The workers are anxious. The transportation, according to them, escapes from them. As far as they are concerned Sunday is an accursed day. It is absolutely necessary to open the CP at 04:00.
An elderly worker left the queue. According to him he had no strength to stand in the queue and he sat down on the floor.
One worker returned with food supplies- half a litre of olive oil, 2 jars of tehina, a bag of 150 g. of black coffee, a tin of 150 g. of dry zaatar, and a small tin of labane. Interested in knowing why?
He came back because his transportation didn't wait for him.