Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Thu 16.7.09, Morning
Guest: Yaeli
Trans. by Bracha B.A.
There are no workers at the checkpoint.
Road 60
Samo'ah CP: Open.
Dura Alfawwar: Open
Dahariya: Closed
The road itself is open.
Several hundred meters past Dura Alfawwar we see an IDF jeep parked in the middle of the road blocking traffic. Behind it is a long row of cars – evidence that it had been standing there for some time considering the light traffic on Road 60. When we approached we saw soldiers outside the jeep. We stopped next to them and they immediately got in and left, freeing the traffic jam. We could figure out if they parked in the middle of the road in order to check the cars driving on the road, or simply because they felt like doing so...
New signposts at the entrance to Kiryat Arba and Hebron read: “Enough with the White Paper – Establish New Settlements” and “Don’t Support Our Enemies.”
Curve 160 CP: Empty, and checkpoint open. It appears that soldiers tend to avoid shuting it lately, so that it can be passed through relatively easily. People do still have to pass through the concrete barriers but at least they don’t have to bend over.
Tarpat CP: Empty.
Tel Romeida: Empty.
Patriarchs' Tombs' Cave CP: Empty
We decided to show Yaeli around Hebron, walking down the Hashuhada Street. A few minutes later, however, we were stopped by policemen who asked for our IDs. Yaeli and Noga took theirs out, but it turned out that mine was left in the car. As a result, i was scolded by the policeman, who explained that “this isn’t Shenkin St." (Tel Aviv) and that I could not walk wherever I wanted to, certainly not without an ID. We had to return to the car to present my ID. At this stage they asked for our driver M.’s documents as well, although they see him daily. Finally they asked us where we were headed and escorted us through half of Hebron, to make sure that we were truthful.