Eyal Crossing, 'Anabta, Irtah (Sha'ar Efrayim), Mon 24.8.09, Afternoon
15:50 A new, large red sign, solidly attached to metal pipes, has been erected about 20 meters south of the checkpoint, warning in big white letters that this road leads to Area A, which is under the control of the Palestinian Authority.
A soldier sits shut up in his booth. The surface of road near the booth has been scraped, making driving difficult, apparently to make traffic going through slow down. Cars go through without inspection.
16:00 Dozens of laborers get out of vehicles in the parking lot at the end of their workday. They run to the checkpoint entrance. It is uncomfortably hot. Ramadan has begun and it's hard to imagine that the laborers going through have worked all day without a sip of water. Only one inspection booth is open but passage is quick and a laborer goes through a minute or two after he arrives.
16:30 The few laborers arriving at this time at the checkpoint at the end of their workday are quickly inspected. Two female soldiers patrol on the outer side of the fence, stop near us, notice our identification tags and say with a smile, "Ah...Machsom Watch...", and continue on their way.