Reihan, Shaked, Wed 2.9.09, Morning
Vivien S"B, M.(guest), Nava R. (reporting)
07:30 Shaked-Tura checkpoint
Only a few people at this time. Those crossing over say that this morning there is little traffic.
Only a few people at this time. Those crossing over say that this morning there is little traffic.
A problem had occurred regarding one of the children, whose name apparently didn't appear on the pupils' list (those living in the Seam Line zone and attend school at Tura , on the other side of the fence, on the West Bank side). Following consultation with the military police woman and the representative of the DCO, on site, the child went through.
The Donkey also crossed over, this time with no comprehensive inspection like last Wednesday.
09:00 - Rihan-barta'a checkpoint
A few people on site, mostly merchants from East Barta'a.
6 truck were waiting for inspection. After more than half an hour they entered the inspection yard.
We were approached by a man about 50 years of age. His wife suffers from a stone in her kidney and holds a referral to a hospital in East Jerusalem. The man went to the DCO and did not receive a permit to enter Israel, actually to East Jerusalem.
10:00 We left the checkpoint when the trucks came out of the inspection yard.,