Hebron, Mon 21.12.09, Morning
Translator: Charles K.
We arrive towards afternoon – many children on their way home from school.
At the Pharmacy checkpoint and the Tarpa”t checkpoint and at all the other points soldiers let people through quickly – if they even bother checking.
Kafisha neighborhood – The soldiers’ booth is closed.
Tel Rumeida: two Golani soldiers stopped and detained a youth as they inspected his bag, and in response to our question said that he’d cursed them. The soldier also says that a few days ago he caught a youth with a large knife under his shirt and prevented a stabbing. The youth told the police that he’s a martyr. They say that, overall, the sector is quiet.
Cave of the Patriarchs: New, calm Border Police on duty.
At ‘Abad’s – No music today from Beit Gutnick (later, in fact, we heard the muezzin, but if there isn’t enough tolerance for the other’s music – why force yourself on their neighborhood??)
160 Curve: the soldiers are spread out (Are some of them from India?! They’re not speaking Hebrew. We didn’t understand what was going on…)
Sheikh Sa’ir – Trucks transfer goods back-to-back across the boulders which look larger today.