Reihan, Shaked, Tue 26.1.10, Morning

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Hasida S., Ruthi T.

Translation: Bracha B.A.

We passed by Reihan Checkpoint on our way to Emricha. Workers are waiting for their rides to work.  A tender loaded with merchandise is waiting to be checked.  The lower parking lot is almost empty.

06:55 – Dotan - Emricha Checkpoint
The checkpoint has a pillbox and concrete barriers that force drivers to zigzag through, but the checkpoint is unmanned and traffic flows through freely in both directions.  People coming from Jenin tell us that the checkpoint is more active in the afternoons when people are coming back from work.   On our way back to the Reihan Checkpoint we stopped next to the driver A., who was waiting to pick up passengers on the bridge near Zibda.  For some reason gatesinfo-icon are blocking the road under the bridge.

07:10 – Reihan-Barta'a

Two vans with merchandise are waiting in the lower parking lot to be checked.  Six vans entered the inspection facility at 05:30 and came out at 07:45.  Meanwhile only a few additional cars have arrived.  Occasionally workers arrive and enter the terminal and come out after 10-15 minutes.
A new feature has been added to the brown flowerpots along the fence of the sleeveinfo-icon leading to the terminal – a statue of a turtle with three workers laboring around it.  How sweet.

08:10 – Shaked-Tura Checkpoint

A herd of goats passes through when we arrive. We are forbidden to cross the line.  There is little traffic and students are on vacation from school.