Reihan, Shaked, Wed 27.1.10, Morning
07:10 - 08;30 Shaked-Tura checkpoint
12 people and two cars waited on the other side of the fence to cross over to the Seamline zone.
Inspection is extremely slow despite the few people going through. I've met at the checkpoint a young man, a resident of Daher-el-Malec in the SeamLine zone who got a job in the carpets factory at the Sha"hak industrial zone, also at located in the SeamLine zone. This person is unable to work because he is denied by the police and at the carpets plant they are not willing to employ him unless the police denial is lifted. all this is despite the fact that he needs not to cross any checkpoint on his way to work.
The police refusal is a result of an occurance at the checkpoint. According to the young man, he was to bring over, with the DCO permission, 2 empty containers of cooking gas. for home use, which he was supposed to fill up at Ya'abed. There is no delivery of gas to Daher-el-Malec. He was detained at the checkpoint for an hour and a half and when he ran out of time, he made a U-turn and hurry home. Based on that violation he was arrested, broght to trial and was fined with 1,500 Nis and for five years of police (?) denial. That is the reason why he can not go to work located 5 minutes away from his home.
08:40 -09:50 Rihan-Barta'a checkpoint.
A checkpoint routine. Merchants from Barta'a had arrived and gone through into the SeamLine zone.
Only a few crtossed over to the West Bank.
Trucks went into inspection prior to my arrival and has'nt come out before I left.