Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Tue 16.2.10, Morning
Translated by Naomi S.
The checking lane is already empty. When we arrive, one bus with prisoners' families waiting is still in the shade. The parking area for tracks and tankers is being expanded.
Route 60
The usual sight of many pedestrians, students and teachers alike.
Dura Alfawwar: the soldiers went down from the pillbox again – this time, they detained a bus full with prisoners' families on their way to a visit. It made no difference that the bus was bearing a red cross sign. In addition to the bus, a taxi was detained. The students enter Alfawwar on foot, on their way to a school funded by UNRWA.
At the Nofei Mimra neighborhood, there's a visible construction boom and so, too, on Hill no. 18 – the illegal stronghold located immediately opposite the hills – flags were added. There seems to be some activity there. The city is buzzing with children rushing to school. Border Police soldiers and the army man all CPs, but no one is detained. The janitor at "El Ibrahamiya" – who is present at the Pharmacy CP every morning, to protect the children from the settlers who speed on in their cars, not seeing those children at all – now tells us "all's ok now. I'm not complaining today." He, too, has grown used to the children's passage through the magnometer, and so long as no one's detained, is content.
TIPH people and other peace activists can be seen in their positions.
On the Shouhada St. a group of soldiers from the Shimshon Brigade are at the tea and coffee point arranged for them by the settlers. The symbiosis between soldiers and settlers cries out loud!