Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Tue 2.2.10, Morning
Translated by Bracha B.A.
Sansana CP
It is very crowded next to the x-ray machine. The women inspectors are shouting and there are angry responses from those checked. Fortunately, the last of them has finally gone through. Outside families on prisons' visits are waiting. There are dozens of people this time of all ages.
Route 60
It is quiet. The almond trees are in full blossom and the hills are green. Palestinians, mostly women and children, walk on the side of the road despite the danger of being hit by cars.
Dura Alfawwar
The soldiers left the pillbox again and are manning the position on the road. Traffic flows.
Kiryat Arba: The guard from the Modi'in Ezrachi Co. at the entrance to Kiryat Arba will not let us in. According to M., our driver, this is not the first time this guard has done this. After waiting and the guard claiming that he is waiting for someone, we decided to leave and avoid the unnecessary wait. Palestinian children have already returned to school, and when we arrive school is in session.
Curve 160: There is an increased presence of Border Police soldiers, and no detainees.
Tarpat Checkpoint and Tel Romeida: all as usual, no detainees.
The Palestinian entrance to the Cave of the Patriarchs has been renovated and the Border Police position there is new and less threatening – the aesthetics of the occupation. Two Norwegian representatives of TIPH say that everything is as usual, but don't elaborate.
The roadblocks at the Shiyuch Junction and Beit Anoun are in place.
Route 35
The Humanitarian Crossing: The gate is closed by soldiers who detain cars to be checked.
The Olive Crossing: the crossing is open and traffic flows. A red sign warns people that the road enters Zone A.
Routes 356 and 317
We returned via these roads in order to pay a visit at the Hirbet Tuwani school. We were received warmly there by staff and teachers who were on recess. They took chairs outside in the sun and served tea. We ask about the problems caused by the delay of the army escort to the school to protect the students from being harassed by settlers from Maon who attack them and Havat aon. The principal explains that he disregards students' being late by 10-15 minutes, but specifies some dates on which tardiness was excessive: Tuesday, October 26, 2009, Wednesday, December 30, 2009, and Sunday, January 10th, 2010. He explained that the children are to school late because they are afraid of the settlers and so, they hide, and when the escort finally arrives the soldiers cannot track them.