'Anin, Reihan, Shaked, Thu 18.3.10, Morning

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Neta G., Reporting, Shula B. Photos

Translation: Bracha B.A.

06:10 A'anin Checkpoint
About 25 people and three tractors crossed the checkpoint this morning.  ברגל וברכב לבית הספר / צילום שולה ברSeveral youths and one adult were not permitted to cross.  According to the soldiers the youths had come "for no reason" and the adult had no permit to cross at A'anin.  The children from the Bedouin village in the nearby wadi on the side of the seamline zone arrive in cars and on foot, clean and well-dressed.  They are waiting to be driven to school at Ul a-Reihan.

06:55 – Shaked-Tura Checkpoint
The soldiers are already getting ready to open the checkpoint.  When it opens a short line of cars forms next to the turnstile on the West bank Side.

Two children who have a genetic blood disease, with masks on their faces, are waiting to cross to the seamline zone with their parents.  A volunteer is waiting to drive them to Hadassah Hospital in Ein Kerem.  The girls travel to the hospital each week, but a female soldier from the military police feels that they have to enter through one of the border crossings such as Jalameh and raises the issue with the Liaison and Coordination Administration or the brigade.  One of the little girls is exhausted and her parents sit her down on a concrete block at the checkpoint.  After a half hour of clarifying the matter with the Liaison and Coordination Administration or the brigade, the family crosses over.

עיכוב במחסום בדרך לבית חולים/ צילום שולה בר
07:45 – Reihan-Barta'a Checkpoint`
Several trucks loaded with vegetables are waiting to be checked.

08:00 Dotan Checkpoint
There is traffic in both directions.  Five buses filled with school children are going from Jenin to Tul Karem.  They are driving along the new road near the settlement of Hermesh to Baka Al Sharkiya and from there to Tul karem.

The soldiers came to clarify who we were and knew about "Machsom Watch."  They were more polite than the soldiers whom we have reported recently.  We entered the settlement of Hermesh and saw a sign advertising 16 new villas.  Perhaps these are the houses that we have seen at the entrance to the settlement that have been standing unfinished for some time.  When we left the settlement a soldier came to talk with us.  His opinions were totally different from ours, but he was willing to listen.

08:35 – Reihan Barta'a Checkpoint
One of the trucks that we saw earlier has still not been checked.  The lower parking lot is filling up with cars belonging to merchants from Barta'a.  People enter the terminal in groups of five as usual.  In the upper parking lot cars are waiting to take people to work.

09:00 – We returned by way of the market in Barta'a which was coming to life.