Bethlehem, Etzion DCL, Fri 12.3.10, Morning
09.00 – 10.45 AM, Etzion DCL: a 48 – hour closure was announced. There was a lot of pressure caused by many cars and buses at the entrance to the checkpoint before the entrance to the parking lot. A border-policeman stood on the road and directed the arriving vehicles to continue the traffic circle and return “so that there won’t be disorder”.
The checkpoint was deserted. Three inspection stations were open, but no-one arrived and there was no noise from the other side.
- Was there a complete closure ?
- The female soldier in the first inspection station told us that there was a closure but it was not complete.
Afterwards, we asked a man coming from the Bethelehem direction what kind of permit did he have. He told us that it was a trader’s permit, and that only people over 50-years old were allowed to go and pray.
We travelled to Nabi Yunis and met Mustafa who had succeeeded in getting his GSS debarment cancelled. He received from us the law-court document and paid the outstanding sum.
On our way back, there was a “flying – ie temporary – checkpoint” on the road from the tunnels, right next to the sign announcing the entrance to Jerusalem