Mevo Dotan (Imriha), Reihan, Shaked, Tue 13.4.10, Afternoon

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Miriam Z., Ruth T., (Reporting)
 Translation: Bracha B.A.

Shaked-Tura Checkpoint, 15:45-16:15
Improvements are being made in the area.  Is this a long term investment?

The concrete shed that we used to use as an observation point is gone, and another concrete shelter is now being loaded into a long, heavy שינויים במחסום צילום רותי תובלtruck.  A security approaches us and tells us happily that improvements are being made here and at A'anin to make things easier for people crossing.  Four vehicles are waiting for the truck to move so they can cross.  By 16:08 everyone had crossed.  A few pedestrians were waiting as well.

Reihan-Barta'a 16:20-17:15
"For reasons he doesn't know" repeated twice

The parking lot on the Palestinian side is very crowded.  We continued on to the Dotan checkpoint, where construction work was also under way.  Just east of the junction the road is being paved and vehicles are allowed to pass in one direction at a time.  Security guards are watching over the workers.

We return to the crowded parking lot at Reihan.  At 16:45 a lot of workers are returning.  We listen to M., who speaks fluent Hebrew, complain that "for reasons he doesn't know he is prevented from entering Israel by the General Security Services and has difficulty making a living for his three children.  He also owns the olive grove next to the old Barta'a checkpoint but he cannot tend it.

17:20 – People at the northern entrance to the terminal are entering relatively quickly.  A transit carrying passengers going towards the West Bank stops at the white line.  A passenger who is waiting in the car reports that every day the driver is delayed for an hour and a half for reasons he doesn't know.  The other passengers have already come through the terminal and are waiting for him.  Workers continue to come out in small groups.