Hamra, Tayasir, Wed 14.4.10, Afternoon
Translated by D. kalekin
Bardala - Near the entrance to the village, we meet a resident of Bardala and ask him about the water supply. The man tells us that there is drinking water but no water for agriculture. The reason: a debt to 'Mekorot' (that is what we understood).
Military tents and many soldiers are spread over the area that leads to the Tyasir CP and jeeps are going in every direction.
Tyasir CP 1250
Near the tower a bulldozer and a tractor are working; they are cleaning and smoothing the ground. A small number of cars are going through in both directions.
1329 - 30 Childrn return from school. They go in at a run, go through quickly and all of them get on to the ride that distributes them among the tents that are on the way.
When we arrive at Hamra, two soldiers approach us and ask what we are doing there. They ask for the page on which we are wriiting the report. From a distance, a woman soldier, a dog-handler, yells at them: You're not supposed to talk to them; there's nothing to say to them ... let them stand there like ..... We couldn't here 'like' what.
The soldiers return to the CP and allow the cars that have assembled to go through in both directions. One soldier also came over to find out about what we are doing and to get an explanation of why we are doing what we do. We did not have a chance to answer him and the same dog-handler screeched: Come over here!!!! Come over here!!!! The soldier ran up to her and she explained to him with her hands and with her whole body that it is forbidden to talk to us. We didn't hear it all, but he heard a fiery speech.
1430 The passage has become much slower, and a soldier (the one who wanted to talk to us) is in charge of letting the people through and he does this slowly. He asks those going through on foot to take off their head--covering (kefiyah), to raise their shirts and to turn around. From time to time, he yells: one by one (in Arabic). He asks one of the people going through to take out everything he has in his backpack.
1440 -- Because everything is so slow, 16 cars are lined up from the west and also from the other side. The soldier gets reinforcement and an additional soldier lets the people through faster.
1515 - All of them have gone through.