Eyal Crossing, Habla, Ras 'Atiya, Mon 3.5.10, Afternoon
11:40 AM Gate 1392 Habla Agricultural Gate
There isn't much traffic when we arrive. An elderly man parks his donkey pulled wagon at the side and enters the small concrete structure to have his ID card checked, two other people enter at the same time and they all three exit promptly and are on their way.
Two drivers of tractors are waiting to have the trailers checked by the soldiers, after they passed the ID inspection.
13:12 Ras Atiya
There are several vehicles and men along the security road, repairing or renewing the fence. The five soldiers at the CP seem to be moving from their post to the concrete structure (there is some problem with the computer) to the watch tower, always in action. There are two cars parked outside of the concrete structure, the people waiting outside the carousel to enter, but there is a problem with the computer, the problem is solved and in 5 minutes the people are back in their cars and passing the CP.
Some children begin coming out of school, a bunch of boys wait under cover from the sun, till a truck comes along and piles them in the back seat and gives them a lift home.
14:05 Eyal Crossing
Very few Palestinian workers are returning now, so there are no hold ups and the people move quickly.