Reihan, Shaked, Sat 8.5.10, Morning

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Shula N., Noah L. (reporting)

0730-0800 Shaked-Tura checkpoint
Traffic is not heavy and moves along. An herd of goats was early today and by the time we arrived on site most of it had already crossed over.
Pedestrians and vehicles cross from one side to the other without delays.
The new shed is completely exposed to heat and sun at this early hour of the morning. Those going through report of reasonable passage today.

0810 - 0845  Rihan-Barta'a checkpoint
Here too traffic streams without delays. Average of 6 minutes for inspection of a car going out of the SeamLine zone in the direction of the West Bank. A number of vehicles wait in front of the checkpoint while their passengers are inspected right there.

In the sleeveinfo-icon and downward at the entrance to the terminal, we are told by those coming out that passage is quite reasonable today. Two windows are open.

A couple of people ask us to help their relative who all of a sudden stopped receiving a passage permit , that he had always received, without any explanation.
We said we'll try.

Does anyone have an advice for us? we'd be glad to hear.

In the meantime they have to get back to us with that person's details.