Abu Dis, Container (Wadi Nar), Ras Abu Sbitan (Olive Terminal), Sheikh Saed, Tue 4.5.10, Afternoon
Channah st., Yael L.-J. (reporting), Avital F. (driver)
14:30 17:50
General remark
usually our team is in charge of visiting DCO Etzion and Bethlehem
checkpoint. This time we took the Abu Dis tour, in order to update our information aboout other checkpoints.14:50 ,Sheikh Saed
Very few Palestinians were crossing . A young student went home, one professional person to town, and two Muslim women to Jerusalem . One of them had an argument with the soldier , we do not know the details.
15:20 Hapishpash
There was nobody there.
15:45 Olive crosssing
Few people. A women had forgotten her ID and had to wait in the checkpoint until her son brought it.
16:30 The Container (Wadi Nar)
A long queue of vehicles, busses, taxis and trucks on their way to Bethlehem were waiting. First I was standing on their right side, but the soldiers sent me to the other end of the crossroad, where the road down the hill was barred because of contruction work.
One car was checked. Actually the queue started moving and the drivers could , at least for a while, drive home.
In the other direction there were almost no cars.