Russian Compound, Jerusalem - Remand Extension, Barred (from meeting with attorney)
Translation: Marganit W.
Russian Compound
We arrived at 11:10.
The Judge, Captain Ron Delumi, explained that the remand extension sessions had started earlier.
Two attorneys waited in the hallway, Ma'amun Hisham and Firas Sabah. These two make a point of coming to court on a weekly basis to attend sessions whose results are all too predictable. They told us that the main purpose of their frustrating work is to accompany the detainees and to serve as a link to the outside world, especially with friends and family.
13 cases were discussed, 8 of them with detainees barred from meeting their attorneys.
The investigator was Yitzhak Yaakov.
Justice Ron Delumi focused his attention on the files, thus prolonging the procedure of each detainee's case. At 12:15 the typist and the interpreter tried to speed up the process, perhaps they were hungry or had other pressing reasons. But the judge continued to pore over the files. And yet the end result was the same as always: the 18 days requested by the investigator were shortened to 11 with the same formula: "reasonable doubt... the investigators need time to exhaust all avenues... in sum, I decree that the detainee will be remanded in custody for only 11 days."
Most of the charges were membership in Hamas. One detainee was charged that in 1994 he was a member of the Popular Front in Jebalia, and today he is a member of Hamas.
In all the cases, the investigation report was confidential.
In the middle of the session a mouse scurried through the court. Great commotion ensued with the agitated typist repeatedly asking about the invader. The mouse, however, must have realized where it had landed and hastened to leave.