Reihan, Shaked, Sat 5.3.11, Morning

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Shula N., Noa L. (Reporting)

Translation: Bracha B.A.

07:30-07:50 Shaked-Tura Checkpoint

The checkpoint is relatively busy for a Saturday. Twenty-five people are waiting on the east side to cross to the seamline zone, and in the opposite direction, towards the west, there is relatively traffic. We could not figure out anything different today. Some people say that the crossing is very slow, while others say that things are as usual.  We particularly remember the image of a father pushing a babyinfo-icon in a stroller through the checkpoint, surrounded by armed soldiers.  We left after everyone had crossed and traffic was moving smoothly. 

08:00 – 08:40 Reihan Barta'a Checkpoint

The checkpoint is very busy, especially in the direction from the West Bank to the seamline zone.   People coming out report that there are about 80 people in the terminal.  There is only one window open. The woman sitting at the window is shouting a lot.  They explained to us that a new machine has been installed for checking  magnetic cards,   On one hand it goes faster but on the other requires that people receive instructions how to use it, and therefore causes a delay. We called the head of operations at the checkpoint, who claimed that he knew exactly what the situation was.  Meanwhile, another inspection position opened (at the same window), and more people came out. By the time we left people told us that things were going quickly.

We notice that a new garden has been planted – this one in front of the vehicle inspection facility.