Ashqelon - Remand Extension, Minors
Translator: Bracha Ben-Avraham
We arrived at 10:30 after not having been present at hearings for a long time.
At the entrance we were told that the judge had already arrived some time ago at about 9:00, and we were rushed in.
The hearings today involved remand of 7 detainees, but by the time we arrived, the last two were being heard, one of whom was barred (from meeting with an attorney).
Judge: Dov Gilboa
Detainee: Abed Mahmud Amar Kawasme- will be 18 in one month. Arrested on 23.10.08.
This is his third remand.
The request is for 15 days.
The hearing begins at 10:50 and ends at 11:00.
The defense asks questions; the police interrogator answers all of them by claiming that they are irrelevant, and that the answer is in the confidential report. The detainee gave two police statements, one on 27.10.08, the other one on 29.10.08.
Defense: Did he link himself to the interrogation?
Interrogator: I can't answer that.
Defense: Has he committed any previous criminal or security violations?
Interrogator: [This was] submitted to the judge. I once again request that the remand extension be as requested. We are aware of the suspect's young age, but from the evidential material arise serious suspicions that the suspect might endanger the security in the region.
Defense: the court must be more critical regarding the interrogation. I request that the remand extension be shortened. The suspect was told that his cousin incriminated him, but he was not told what about. Furthermore, his father has also cancer, and his young age must be taken into consideration.
If there is any basis to the suspicions, the material must be submitted to the court.
Judge's Decision: The suspect has been detained since Thursday, 23.10.08. This is his third remand extension. He has already given two police statements on... [the above dates...] After hearing the sides and having studied the investigation material and the confidential report of 13.11.08, I am convinced that those conducting the investigation should be allowed to continue to do so. However, in light of the circumstances, that the suspect is a minor, I order a remand extension of 8 days until 20.11.08/
When we left, the defense attorney showed us that his statements are being censored: they simply do not type them. We asked him to send us the summaries of the [other] hearings.