'Anin, Reihan, Shaked, Thu 14.4.11, Afternoon
ranslation: Bracha B.A.
15:00 - A'anin Checkpoint
The checkpoint is open and several people cross. Four tractors cross but a fifth one is held up because it is carrying bags of sawdust for the chicken houses in A'anin. It is sent back, returns without the bags, and is released after being checked. We were told that in the morning another five workers left but were detained in the field by officers from the Liaison and Coordination Administration who confiscated their permits and were sent back to the village of A'anin. We were also told that the Bedouins who live beneath the checkpoint were given a offer to move to Um-a-Reihan. We met officers from the Liaison and Coordination Administration when we left the checkpoint, who promised they would deal with the matter of bringing sawdust across the checkpoint.
15:40 - Shaked Tura Checkpoint
There is little traffic. A few pedestrians cross, in both directions. A car crosses to the seamline zone within five minutes. Several children cross with a small can and are checked in the inspection facility. When they emerge they are checked again.
Reihan Checkpoint - 16:15
The checkpoint is decorated with flags. Women who come from Jenin almost every day wait for their car in the inspection facility - sometimes for an hour, sometimes less. Workers are descending the sleeve to the terminal.
At 16:05 only one window is open but people cross quickly.