Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Tarqumiya, Tue 24.5.11, Morning
Trans.: Bracha B.A.
We left relatively late today in order to see how life is at a different time of day.
Meitar Crossing
It was good to see that at this hour the crossing was deserted and there were no prisoners' families, only a lot of trucks.
Route 60
The students and workers have already passed through and the road was empty except for an army jeep on its way to Karma.
The balloon is in the air and we hope they are looking for settlers. Last night there was a clash between the "hilltop boys" and Palestinians in response to Netanyahu's speech.
We went to see if "Price Tag" had begun any activities in Beit Hameriva, but the only thing we saw there was a soldier sitting on the roof under camouflage netting who reported that we had passed by. At the store under the house people also tell us that lately there have been no clashes between settlers and Palestinians and that things have been quiet. Each soldier that we pass reports our presence, but no one is being detained and if anyone's documents are checked they are not delayed. Soldiers sit on the roof of the house overlooking the Worshippers' Route in a "straw widow" position, and hopefully they will leave soon.
A soldier from the border patrol at the Pharmacy Checkpoint tells us that the incident last night took place deep within the Jewish quarter and that they had already been evacuated. We were afraid to approach the settlers and sufficed with what the people from TIPH were able to tell us.
As promised, we went to the Al Fihas School to help organize a field trip to the Biblical Zoo (Jerusalem), but since vacation begins in two weeks' time we decided to postpone the trip until the following school year. We promised the principal that we would accompany the children on the trip and that we would be in contact to help organize it.
The graffiti on the walls exemplifies the ugliness of the occupation and is a pathetic expression of what is supposedly love of Hebron.
We decided to drive back via Tarquomiya where there is a wonderful mulberry tree that would make our dislike of Hebron a little sweeter. The berries were still green, but the owner promised us that in two weeks we would be able to come back and enjoy them. At the entrance to Route 35 soldiers are having target practice.
Tarquomiya Crossing
Zion's co-manager was standing next to the booth and recognized us. He verifies that there have been no complaints about the checkpoint of late and we told him that we have not heard any complaints on our end either. It's important for him that we know that they are behaving properly.