Reihan, Shaked, Wed 13.7.11, Morning

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Hedva Heller, Nava Rave


10:30 - 12:30 Reihan-Barta'a checkpoint

 Eight drivers sitting by the gate without work. They had arrived early this morning and until 12:00 only one of them mannage to find some passengers. They say that in the afternoon its a bit better when they catch workers on their home. These drivers use their private vehicles (small, old without a/c) can not compete with tne licensed yellow cab who have the right of way. The urgebt need to provide for their families and the lack of work causes drivers to get into arguments with each other.

11:15Seven trucks came out of inspection and seven others had entered.

Very few pedestrians walked through the terminal.

13:15 Shaked-Tura checkpoint 

Slow traffic on both directions. Even an horse crossed over. One person came from the side of the Seam Line zone, tied his horse and went into the inspection cabin after which he had transferred the horse to just owner who waited on the side if the West Bank. That owner could not just pick up his horse and take it from the SLZ to the West Bank.