'Anin, Reihan, Shaked, Sun 13.11.11, Morning

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Ruti T., Hasida S. (reporting)

Translation: Yael S.

A short, cold shift.

05:50 - A'aneen checkpoint

We arrived after the gate was opened. Most of the people had already gone through. We saw a few at the crossroad waiting for transportation, more people walked in front of us: "All is ok today". At the other end residents of A'aneen arrive one by one. We watched the beautiful sunrise and drove on.

06:20 - Shaked checkpoint

It is cold and quiet. One herd of goats came out of the checkpoint and moved southeast between the security fences.

One Palestinian crossed over into the Seam Line zone and got on a vehicles that has just completed its inspection.

One Student went into the West Bank. We did not wait for the young schoolchildren who were due in an hour. We noticed an innovation: Cars coming from the Seam Line zone side wait further away from the gatesinfo-icon, in front of the concrete block stationed on the left side of the road. The driver walks to the inspection area, returns and drive closer towards the gate, while waiting to be called inside for the vehicles' inspection.

06:40 - Dotan checkpoint

Young pupils from Amricha(?) walk to the school in Y'abed. The checkpoint is unmanned at this time and vehicles zigzag their way between the concrete blocks, not risking the security of Israel.

06:55 - Reihan checkpoint

The lower car park is still not full. Whoever arrives from the West Bank enters through the turnstile into the terminal building without delays. As we went up, five minutes later, we saw B. get into his ride up the sleeveinfo-icon (at the exit from the terminal into the Seam Line zone). Six pickup trucks loaded with merchandise wait to be called in for inspection of papers. Another five are still waiting at the other end of the parking lot. Two private cars and two pickup trucks wait at the papers inspection point. Egg crates were piled under the shed near the praying corner, waiting to be picked up.

All is as usual at the checkpoint.

07:30 - We left.