Reihan, Shaked, Tue 17.1.12, Morning

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Leila S. and Hana H.
6:05 - Reihan checkpoint
On the way to the checkpoint we notice the accelerated construction in the olive grove that has become a "state land" of the settlement of Reihan.
It is raining and not too many people go out to work.
Exit from the terminal is quick and well organized.
We are told that yesterday afternoon were a few obstacles at the X-ray machine, which caused significant delays and crowding (a line of more than 200!)
7:00 - Shaked checkpoint
The soldiers open the gatesinfo-icon and passage on both sides begins immediately.
Despite the new fences and new lanes at the terminal, they did not bother to build a shed on the Tura side and people have to wait in the rain.
Schools are on vacation until Feb.1st.