Reihan, Shaked, Tue 31.1.12, Morning

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Leila S., Hana H.

6:05 - Reihan checkpoint

There aren't many vans or workers at the upper car park. It turns out that many had already left for work. We go down the sleeveinfo-icon and meet only a few workers.

It's quiet at the terminal and the few that come out report being inside for 40 minutes and that there are about 70 more people there. They still talk about the "Great mess" of last week.

6:25 Pace of exit from the terminal picks up a bit. People come out faster and appear content, but they all complain of last week; "Today the machine is finally in order".

One worker tells us that his Seam Line zone resident card was recentlysubstuituted for a of Ya'abed resident card and now he needs a passage permit.

Towards 7:00 o'clock the movement of vehicles  and passengers from the Seam Line zone begins in the direction of the West Bank.

7:00 - Shaked checkpoint

The soldiers arrive only now and the checkpoint opens for business at 7:10. Passage of vehicles and pedestrians is fast in both directions.

Tomorrow, Wednesday ,school begins.