Reihan, Shaked, Sun 19.2.12, Morning
Translation: Bracha B.A.
06:10 – 07:00 – Reihan Barta'a Checkpoint
On our way to the Palestinian parking lot we are asked to go to the position at the opposite side of the road to speak to a security guard. He warns us that we must not take pictures or record at the checkpoint. We assured him that we were not planning on doing any of those things. We returned by driving around the beautifully tended roundabout and were allowed to drive to the entrance to the West Bank.
About 10 vans and trucks, loaded with produce, are moving up the road from where they parked the previous night, going towards the first inspection point before entering the inspection facility. There are still several vehicles on the road. The parking lot is almost empty. Very few people arrive on such a rainy, stormy morning and those who do arrive enter the terminal quickly. One of the drivers gives us NIS 500 to deposit for his brother who is in prison in Israel so that he can buy things in the prison canteen.
07:05-08:10 – Shaked – Tura Checkpoint
The checkpoint is already open and a few people are crossing, including three woman students who study in Nablus, as well as the elegant banker who is now allowed to cross the checkpoint in his new car. The school children's transport arrives empty - they stayed at home because of the bad weather.