'Anin, Reihan, Shaked, Thu 8.3.12, Morning

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Neta Golan, Shula Bar (photographing and reporting)

Translator:  Charles K.


Read here a report from same area, Mars 2004

06:10  A’anin checkpoint – agricultural checkpoint
The permanent crossing permits that A’anin’s farmers need to reach their lands beyond the fence, haven’t been renewed yet.  Their current permits expire this coming Tuesday.  When will they receive the new ones?  The DCO gave us a definite answer:  “Soon…”

Last Monday a resident of A’anin, who was on his way home, wanted to bring with him 15 yellow plastic containers.  The female soldier at the checkpoint didn’t allow him to do so (because “it’s a commercial quantity, not a number for personal use”), and he was forced to hide them in bushes nearby.  The soldiers who were there this morning allowed him to bring them through.  He crossed to where he’d hidden them and found only three.  Who’ll return the others to him?  Who’ll cover the cost of the theft?  Why is he forbidden on Monday and permitted on Thursday?  What was the question?

A woman from A’anin went through the checkpoint riding on a small donkey.
Where to?  She’s on her way to have coffee with her sister, who’s from the
Bedouin tribe living in the valley near the checkpoint.

We didn’t see the schoolchildren today.  They stayed home with their mothers to celebrate International Women’s Day.  When will mother rest?  On Saturday, when they’ll return to school to make up the day they missed today.

A soldier comes over to ask whether we’re against them, and whether we know this land has been ours for two thousand years.  We didn’t know, and we’re really not against them.

06:50  Shaked/Tura checkpoint – a “fabric of life” checkpoint
The soldiers arrived at five minutes to seven, the checkpoint opened at 7:10.  In the absence of pupils and students, people stream through.

7:15  Reihan/Barta’a checkpoint
By now the parking lot is almost completely full.  It’s impossible to ignore the new car models that proclaim the standard of living enjoyed by the fortunate.  We saw only one dilapidated old Subaru at the checkpoint, alongside the luxurious 4x4’s and new European cars.

Ali, and his father Muhammad, residents of Yabed on the West Bank, joined us (after being rigorously inspected by security).  Neta will bring them to Rambam Hospital for Ali’s weekly blood count (he had a liver transplant).