'Anin, Reihan, Shaked, Thu 17.5.12, Afternoon

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Tzafrira Zamir, Neta Golan (Reporting)

Translation: Bracha B.A.


15:00 – A'anin Checkpoint

The gatesinfo-icon of the checkpoint are already open and the 20 people who crossed through in the morning are now coming back to the village.  People complain that they have not received new agricultural permits.   Two women arrive from the direction of A'anin.  We hear from the soldiers that they have Israeli passports.  The soldiers and the policewoman are confused, and ask them if they are from Machsom Watch.    They are not.  The soldiers phone to ask if they are allowed to cross and they are not and return to A'anin.

15:35 – Shaked – Tura Checkpoint

There is no traffic at this hour.  A cleaning worker and his son wearing fluorescent vests are working on the Palestinian side.   A new booth and four green poles have been put up – our claim to the area.


16:10 – Reihan Barta'a Checkpoint – Seamline Zone Side

A tender driven by an Israeli Arab is parked at the entrance to the sleeveinfo-icon and the driver is attempting to help his Palestinian passenger.  He is a resident of Jenin who is married to a resident of Dahar al Malakh in the seamline zone.   They have a house there and he wants to move there.  Obviously he cannot get a permit to live there despite the fact that he has a permit to work in Israel.   He has an idea: perhaps he and his wife will exchange ID cards and he will be permitted as the main breadwinner to move.  
Families wearing holiday clothes are waiting to cross to Barta'a.  The wedding season has begun.  Workers are descending the sleeve.  There is only one window and crossing is slow.    For some reason people returning to the West Bank are being allowed through in groups of five.  Each new group is allowed to enter the terminal only after the previous group has left.   It is not clear why this is being done today.   Four detaineesinfo-icon are waiting on the bench.  It is very hot and luckily there is a water cooler.  We were also treated to some refreshing loquats. 

At 16:45 we attempted to telephone [the checkpoint manager] and received no answer, but another window opened and things moved faster.  17:05 – We walked up the sleeve.  More workers continued to arrive.