Reihan, Shaked, Wed 5.9.12, Afternoon

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Yocheved G., Hanah H.

15:30 – Shaked checkpoint

 Construction work continues and those entering the inspection cabin need to walk around pitfalls.

A DCO representative makes his checkpoint rounds and urges us to call him should any problem come up.

Pedestrians as well as vehicles cross in both direction and passage is swift.


16:10 – Reihan checkpoint

 Many workers return from Barta'a to Israel. Agriculture workers return loaded with sacks of fruits and vegetables.

Passage is quick. Two windows are open and people enter the terminal in groups of ten at a time.

There are those who return from the opposite direction, from Jenin, most of whom are older women. One is leaning on a cane and struggling helplessly up the long sleeveinfo-icon.

College female students (apparently Israeli Arabs who study in Jenin), loaded with suitcases, are returning from a trip abroad through the checkpoint.