Reihan, Shaked, Sun 23.9.12, Morning

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Ruthy T., Hasida S. (reporting)

Translation: Naomi Gal


Shaked – Torre Checkpoint 06:55
The checkpoint gatesinfo-icon are open. Pupils from Daher el Malech arrive on foot, their village is nearby and they are going to school in Tura across the barrier. The driver Y. is with a newer and smaller car. He no longer drives students. We wonder who is now driving the Bedouin children from Anin checkpoint.


The traffic on the way to the West Bank is running smoothly, pedestrians' and vehicles' alike. The procedure is as usual: pedestrians are waiting to be summoned by a soldier. The drivers get checked in the booth, go back and drive their cars to the checkpoint, once the car is checked they are free to go on their way.

Ruthy goes to observe the checkpoint from the orchard on its left side. The soldiers are alarmed, although she did not enter a prohibited zone. Do they have something to hide?

A 45-year-old Palestinian complains that there's a police order barring him from entering Israel for life. He already spoke to Sylvia and Haya, our friends, who assist those who have prevention orders, but they were unable to help him. He opts not to hire a lawyer, maybe it’s not worth it. He may cross only to the seam line zone and settles for this.


Reihan – Barta’a Checkpoint 07:30
The Palestinian parking lot is so crowded that we were hardly able to enter the terminal gate on foot.
Apparently traffic flows smoothly. Workers are waiting in the upper parking lot for transportation to East Barta'a and to the seam zone.

We picked up N. for a medical check-up at the Rambam Hospital. We were held up at the crossing of the Israeli vehicles. Following an inquiry with R. we were asked to go up to where cars are being checked. There were about 8 private cars ahead of us, but we must commend the fact that N. and her companion were sent to be screened ahead of the others and so we were able to depart with no further delays.