'Anin, Reihan, Shaked, Mon 24.9.12, Morning
Translation Yael S.
06:05 A'aneen, Agriculture checkpoint
About 50 people and some tractors wait at the center of the checkpoint. A soldier makes sure that all is in order and that no one dares crossing on their own.
Pace of inspection: A man walks to the inspection post about 100 meters away (20 seconds) presents his papers to a female soldier and steps back. The soldier looks at the card, writes something , makes remarks ("Get back here today at 3:00, to you hear me? I'll remember you") She inspects the content of the bags (at least 60 seconds) and lets go. Only then the next person approaches. If someone dares coming closer before he was ordered to do so, the shouting start s:"Hey, hello, back off", "Back, back, back." The male soldier pushes back the one who has barged in. At such an event, inspection comes to a halt and the female inspector ensures that it would be done according to her orders.
The following are some quotations from the process:- "Tell him to get up….up", "Hello!, walk back, hello, hello"; "Wait a minute! Stop!!"; "Get back in line, we'll call you". When we point out to the soldiers that passage pace is slow, another female soldiers tells us, "patience" .
We find such conduct to be arrogant towards the true owners of the land, who need permits for every step on their own land.
06:1530 more people wait, and such is the picture at 06:45 and the line is endless. The Palestinian Authority has switched off daylight saving time last Friday.
The Beduin children did not show up for their transportation to school. Why?
07:05 Tura-Shaked checkpoint
Here too the complaints regarding the slow passage are repeated. The entire space of the checkpoint (which is not large) is filled up and about to burst. There is a security tower, a cabin for inspecting pedestrians, an area for vehicles' inspection, a sleeve, street lights, trafic signs, wire fences, metal everywhere.
How much does it cost us? aAd why?
07:30Lively traffic of people crossing on both sides. School children and students cross in the direction of the West Bank. Workers go from the West Bank into the Seam Line zone.
07:45 Reihan-Barta'a checkpoint
Six pickup trucks wait for inspection on the West Bank road. The car park is filled up with private cars, and taxis continue to come one after another unloading workers who cross to Barta'a. Passage time is as usual, without delays.
08:10 – Two more pickup trucks were added to the line of vehicles awaiting inspection
We left.