Reihan, Shaked, Tue 2.10.12, Afternoon
Yocheved, Leah (reporting)
Translation: Yael S.
15:00 Shaked-Tura
All is routine and this is aggravating – this is reality, and the reality is that the checkpoint is expanding and being endlessly develops. There is a street light and a marked pedestrian crossing, new asphalt, fences and sheds inspection cabins and road signs, all un haracteristically high quality.
Youngsters cross the checkpoint; they appear happy for receiving a passage permit.
15:30 – We leave.
15:45 Reihan-Barta'a
At the lower,Palestinian car park there is no chance of finding a parking spot. Many workers return from work, greeting us in a friendly fashion. They appear tired but happy – they are making a living.