'Einabus, Haris, Huwwara, Jama'in, Kifl Harith, Qira, Shomron Crossing, Za'tara (Tapuah), Zeta, Mon 10.9.12, Morning
Hars, 09:45 No one on the street – silence. All the shops are closed, except for a few grocery stores. School has already begun. The streets are full of garbage; burned-out garbage containers litter the roadside along the main street. Nadim says the children set them alight. Only as we were leaving the village did we see two women dressed in black.
KIfl Hars, 10:05 The village itself is desolate, most shops are closed. We saw some people along the road repairing what appeared to be junked cars. A Palestinian flag flies in the central square.
Qira, 10:20 We arrived to teach the women at the club – English (Harriet) and yoga (Hagar). Only the coordinator was there. She said that yesterday and last night there was a power failure, and the women must be tired and distracted so they didn’t come. We waited; five more women dribbled in. We decided there was no point dividing them into two groups, that it would be better for Harriet to teach English to all six of them and for Hagar to drive around with Nadim. When we return we’ll decide, depending on the situation, how to continue.
The circuit:
Qira, 10:35 All the shops are closed, the whole town is dirty, desolate and silent (perhaps tearful and bleeding as well…)
Zeita, 10:40 Ditto. We didn’t see a living soul! A few cars passed on the way.
Jama’in, 10:50 Only a few shops open. We saw children returning from school (identifiable by their school uniforms). I asked why they’re coming home so early. Nadim didn’t know.
Einabus, 11:00 There are a few more signs of life here – more people on the street and more shops open. Children in school uniforms returning from school here also.
Huwarra, 11:10 Lots more activity here; the town is better organized. Most shops are open. Traffic is almost congested. Many people in the street, and children returning from school here also at this early hour. We drove to the checkpoint.
The checkpoint is quiet, no soldiers, cars flow through. One soldier on guard. When returned to the town center we saw a military jeep with soldiers parked on the roadside. We didn’t stop to ask what was going on.
Tapuach junction, 11:30 The checkpoint is empty, no soldiers. A lone soldier guards the hitchhiking station. We drove past Za’tara and back to the women’s club in Quira via Jama’in.
Qira, 11:40 Harriet was just finishing the lesson – all the students and the teacher were pleased. Because it was almost noon, the women looked very tired and the room was extremely hot (there’s no air conditioning, and almost no ventilation). We decided to forgo the yoga for the remaining five women. We arranged to meet again in two weeks (next week is Rosh Hashana). We asked them to come at 10:00.
12:10 Back home via the Shomron checkpoint.