Hebron, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills, Susiya, Mon 26.11.12, Morning
Translator: Charles K.
08:30 – 13:30
Overall there’s no military presence today and the occupation routine continues with all its might.
Meitar crossing
Four buses with relatives of prisoners are on their way out. The parking lot is full; many people are looking for Sylvia.
Highway 317
We went into a school in the Palestinian locality of Suosiya. They’d worked on the road which was now relatively easy to drive on. Autumn crocuses and new grass sprout – a festival for the sheep.
The teachers complain, justifiably, that every morning on their way to school from Yatta the soldiers (now reservists, apparently) come down and detain them. Each time they’re asked for their teaching certificates and are always yelled at. We’ll try to get there at around 07:30 to see. The principal was in Ramallah today; his replacement approached us with a girl who was afraid to look us in the eye. Her mother and father had been beaten by settlers!! No hug from another Israeli does any good in a situation like this.
Highway 356
We went to the village of Darat, a short distance beyond the garbage dump, before Zif junction. A magnificent house was demolished there yesterday that had been built six months ago. Other houses nearby had already received demolition orders in 2004 but nothing happened. There’s a kindergarten behind the demolished house. The whole village is in contact with an attorney from Bethlehem who’s dealing with these matters. The “logic” behind the demolition is that the buildings were on private property and hadn’t received permits because they weren’t included in the village “authorized outline plan”…but of course, the village doesn’t have an “authorized outline plan.” And does anyone really believe that if they’d asked for a permit they’d have received one? You can see the real reason at this link: http://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/1.1873365#.ULNHNXiSAS4.facebook
We met locals who told us a white jeep from the Civil Administration had come this morning and photographed all the buildings in the neighborhood.
We gave them our telephone numbers in case something else occurs, and drove on.
Children coming out of school… Again we see the wheelchairs of the girls from the Al-Fahiyya school and the teachers coming through the narrow opening at the Tarpa”t checkpoint… There’s nothing new under the sun, nor, except for a tour by supporters of the settlers, are there any tourists.
One’s heart aches