Reihan, Shaked, Sun 2.12.12, Morning

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Ruti T., Chasidah S.

Translation: Yael Bassis-Student


Reihan-Barta'a 06.15

Up the sleeveinfo-icon there are many cabs waiting for passengers on their way to work at Barta'a.

Some of the workers wait for their employers.

We go down to the lower car park. About ten loaded trucks wait on the side of the road.

At 6:00the first trucks go in and at 07:30 we'd watch them get out. The rest of the trucks would begin inspection with the paper check first.

The car park is not yet full. Traffic of those crossing over streams along as usual, there is no crowding by the gate.

We checked passage time of two individuals – about seven minutes.

At the side of the car park area , there is a black shiny car flying the PLO flag. Does it have to do with the UN vote on the PLO 's status as an observer state? We don't know.


06:58 Sahaked-Tura checkpoint.

Soldiers go up to the checkpoint and immediately open the first gate. It seems a well-trained and organized group. Each soldier stands at his usual spot.

The big gate on the Tura side opens up, and at the same time a female soldier turns on the electricity and the checkpoint begins to buzz.

From afar we can see about ten individuals waiting to cross from the West Bank to the Seam Line zone. They begin crossing five minutes later .

The transportation of the Kindergarten children arrives and the sweet kids cross, rejoicing without inspectio. The driver goes to hand in his papers and runs back to cross with his vehicle, after inspection. From here he drives the children to their Kindergarten.

From the direction of the Seam Line zone, we watch college students crossing, holding their books. They have exams.

We return to the Barta'a checkpoint to pick up Najat, who is ill. We'll take her to Rambam hospital, in Haifa.