Mevo Dotan (Imriha), Reihan, Shaked, Sun 13.1.13, Afternoon
Translation: Bracha B.A.
Shaked-Tura Checkpoint 15:00
There are some new features at the checkpoint, at least for us: signs for pedestrian crossing, signs for crossing the road safely, and a sign warning drivers that children are crossing. A large garbage container stands at the entrance to the checkpoint on the seamline zone side. At the entrance there is a flag belonging to the unit serving at the checkpoint. A nice female soldier addresses people who are crossing by name. She seems to be friendly with everyone. She says to a driver who has opened his hood, "did I ask you to open it?"
Several cars cross through and then quiet resumes. It is cold and windy. Some reservists bring us excellent coffee. They are from the center of the country. A military vehicle arrives and a captain emerges and comes to talk to us. He is new here and we explain that women from our organization come here every day.
Only a few people come through the checkpoint today. One person tells us a chilling story about the occupation. His brother from Yaabed has recently married a woman from Dahar el Malech, a village in the seamline zone. He received a permit to remain in the seamline zone for six months so that he could move in and live with his bride's family, but was not allowed to stay there at night.
We left at 15:50.
Reihan Barta'a Checkpoint, 16:00
The gate to the covered walkway is locked. People are coming through along the road and passing their ID cards through the guard booth on the road. After we asked the guard why the gate was locked he checked and then explained that it was a security matter and he could not tell us. The gate to the vehicle checkpoint was open and we watched the familiar sight of cars being checked with their doors open. We gave a woman who worked in Barta'a a ride to her home in Emricha and continued on to the next checkpoint.
16:20 – Dotan-Yaabed Checkpoint
There is a lot of traffic. Lines of cars cross the checkpoint going towards the West Bank. Every car stops next to the soldiers and continues on after a short conversation. Since cars are also coming from the other direction traffic stops, and congestion develops.
16:40– We returned to Reihan-Barta'a. The covered walkway is now open. A lot of workers are congregating around the turnstile, two windows are open, and 8-10 people are entering the terminal at a time. People are passing through quickly.
We left at 17:00.