Russian Compound, Jerusalem - Remand Extension
Translation: Marganit W.
Russian Compound
We were at the gate of the Russian Compound at 10:00. We had to wait for 35 minutes for a policewoman to come and carry out the body search. Once she has checked us, she can accompany us to the hearing rooms located near the entrance. The idea is to keep us from straying.
The policewoman walked us to the remand extension hall, which is inside the Compound.
Judge Elad Kellner (on reserve duty), investigator Nissim Argaman, an interpreter, the detainee's guards, the detainee himself and Atty. Fahmi Shkirat were in the middle of a session.
We arrived just as the judge was handing down his ruling.
Apparently the police had requested 11 days extension, but the judge ruled 8.
Since there was only one hearing today, this concluded the session. We attended a quarter of the session of the only case before the court today.