Reihan, Shaked, Ya'bed-Dotan, Sun 23.12.12, Morning

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Ruth T., Hassida Sh. (reporting)


Translated by Dvora K.


What a beautiful, clear day. Everything is green and shiny with dew, the land is dark and fruitful. What a wonderful trip, even the anemones are flowering in three colors .... and the army, and the guns, and the CPs and permits and inspections. "And apart from this, everything is fine!"


Shaked-Tura CP

We came five minutes late and people are already going through in vehicles and on foot. The kindergarten children come out of the vehicle that takes them to school and back, and ask Ruthy to take their pictures. They stand alone or in groups, smile as children do, happy. They have their pictures taken and run to the CP to get through it.They do go through without stopping and without having to be inspected. The same happens with the older girls. Students go through the sleeveinfo-icon to the inspection pavilion.

The CP looks like a passage at the border, with lanes (one is closed, and all the people, from there here, from here going there go through on the same lane, taking turns), a traffic light and a pedestrian crossing.

In the inspection post, I can see a woman soldier with a ponytail and a male soldier with a helmet. Nobody complains. We have all gotten used to this. Or have we?



The place is full of people. Workers at the top of the sleeve are waiting for their rides; Drivers of the rides and of taxis are waiting for those going through to the seamline zone. We go down on the road and report that we have two bags of clothes with us. The parking lot is already completely full. The entrance is narrow and secured with spurs that allow cars to go in one direction only. The exit is through another narrow opening. We handed over the bags. The entrance into the terminal is flowing with no delays. On the road there are six loaded trucks waiting for inspection.


Dothan-Ya'abed CP

The CP is active. Cars in the direction of Jenin (to the east) usually go through without inspection or only with the inspection of documents. In the westerly direction, there is a truck with a private car on it. Soldiers climb up and inspect it. For the most part, cars going west are inspected more carefully. Reservists are doing it. In a conversation we expressed our opinions and we explained why and for what purpose we are there.


Reihan-Barta'a CP

On our way back we met Ron, the assistant to the person in charge of the CP, and we got some information about the new head, Charlie.