Palestinian Women Zeta, Mon 25.2.13, Morning
We took Road 5, upward from the Ariel roundabout turning left to Kifl-Harith, continuing along the inner road between the villages to Zeta, and took the same route on our way back. It is morning, and the road was deserted: only the almond trees in full bloom and the green slopes. Towards noon the area became livelier, with more kids and people on the streets and the open stores.
The funeral of Arafat Jeradat , who died in the Israeli prison, is expected to take place today. We inquired whether a strike was due but were told that the only expected strike was the doctors', who hadn't been paid their salary. Two weeks ago it was the teachers' – for the same reason.
At the Zeta club, women were gathering: in part to attend the classes, in part to socialize. Some of the women inquired about handiwork and beading – is there a willing volunteer?
Some of the women suggested that they go outdoors to take the Hebrew class but others resented the idea as they hadn't come prepared for an outing. Decision: outdoors next week. The two classes pleased the students. We had found in a Jaffa store Hebrew language study booklets intended for the Arab speaking population and they were a success with our students. (We would appreciate any information on the topic of study materials etc.) Nail, an UNRA employee in the Nablus area, inquired last week about the possibility of extending our Hebrew and Yoga activities to other villages. We conveyed the issue to Dvorka.
Some women welcomed others to their homes on an "Akram Diyyuf"(the traditional hospitality) and are warm and hospitable. The presence of "foreigners" in a village rouses attention, particularly with kids. They gather around, asking questions and seem to be naturally inquisitive and interested: something of a natural bond between strangers has been formed.