Bethlehem (300), Sun 17.3.13, Morning
Translation: Naomi Gal
Bethlehem - Checkpoint 300, 06:45: five windows are open. The passage is swift. Outside they already told me that today is "relatively good". In 10 minutes there are no more people in the hall, waiting to see what will happen next.
Meanwhile, some workers are returning, probably the workers of contractors that canceled today’s work because of the rain (which is not that hard!)
07:00 AM: a new group arrives and passes quickly. The women with children on dialysis are here and are waiting inside for a ride since outside is bitterly cold.
Someone comes up to me with a story: in a village close to Bethlehem (I did not catch the name) the army arrested in the dead of the night a relative of his nephew. Following the arrest, the army entered the house of the nephew and confiscated the ID of this man and his wife's. It was in 05/03/13 and the IDs had not been returned yet. I sent him to Hannah B.
Another man complained that a relative of his, 22 years old, whose leg was amputated at the age of five following an accident, was treated all these years at Hadassah Hospital. He had an appointment there a few weeks ago but did not get a permit because of "security prevention". He went again to ask for a permit but again did not get one. I gave him the phone number of Yael S.
At 7:30 I returned home. I didn’t feel like going to the DCL on my own. Maybe the cold weather prevented many people from going there today.
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