ברטעה-ריחן, טורה-שקד, יעבד-דותן, שבת 27.4.13, בוקר

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רחלה ח., רותי ת., נועה ל. (מדווחת)


North, 27.04.2013

Rochela H., Noa L., (Reporting)

Translation: Bracha B.A.


Shaked – Tura Checkpoint, 07:20-07:50

The checkpoint is crowded and there is a lot of traffic, moving quickly in both directions.  There are lots of vehicles passing through, which is unusual for Saturday.  The herd of goats also passes through without any problem.  One man tells us that he has a permit which is valid for the next two months, and that he crosses almost every day to tend his fields, without any problem.  On the other hand, when he does not appear for a day or two and then comes back, he is refused entry and is sent to the Liaison and Coordination Administration.  A short time ago he and his family received a permit to spend three nights in the seamline zone to attend a wedding.  He chose to return home each night and not stay, and he was consequently detained at the checkpoint again.  It appears that no matter what happens, there will always be a way to harass people for no reason, simply because we can.


Yaabed – Dotan – 08:10-09:00

We drove to the Yaabed Checkpoint today to deliver used clothing and babyinfo-icon items to Amjad (Mari's father) who just had a baby girl.   This checkpoint is only manned occasionally on Saturdays and there were soldiers present there today.  The Netzach Yehuda religious Nahal brigade is serving there.  The crossing was closed and everyone at the checkpoint:  

The Palestinian drivers (and we too) received a lesson in military exercises.  Soldiers ran around us with weapons drawn, while lines of cars formed on both sides of the checkpoint.   We asked why it was necessary to do training exercises now when the checkpoint is filled with traffic.  We were told that there have been some shooting incidents here and that the soldiers had to be prepared for any possible incident.  After about ten minutes the exercise ended and traffic resumed.  We delivered the packages to Amjad and returned to Reihan.  


Reihan – Barta'a Checkpoint – 09:10-09:20

We descended the sleeveinfo-icon to the terminal and found that everyone had already crossed through and the terminal was now empty.  All the parking lots, including the auxiliary ones on the road to Zibda, are all completely full.