Sansana (Meitar Crossing), Mon 3.6.13, Morning

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Noa, Hagit (reporting)


Naomi Gal translating


Meitar-Sansana Crossing

By the time we got to the checkpoint the workers had already passed except a small group of people detained for various reasons, sitting next to the checkpoint. 
Inside the CP: groups of families arriving to visit prisoners and a group of 50 people from the Qafishah family from Hebron (Azam, Hiatam, their children, wives, sisters) on their way to a fun day at Tel Aviv beach organized by the women of Mahasom Watch and other organizations. Everyone is smiling and is really nice. It is great to meet them outside of Hebron. There are hugs and kisses on both sides.

The checkpoint personal, with M. and Z. leading, open a special line for them, let us into the checkpoint and assure us that on Wednesday and Thursday (more sea days) they will do the same. And as Z. from the checkpoint says: "Let them have a good time in Israel!" Within 20 minutes they all passed. We accompanied them to the Israeli bus and off to the seashore.

I am tough and jaded, but Noa had tears in her eyes. It’s hard to see how people go through the blockades, walls and the concrete - all so ugly and brutal. Designed for cows not for people.