'Anin, Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked, Thu 30.5.13, Morning
A'anin CP (214) 0600
Today the passage is flowing. There are no complaints. Today the woman soldier from the Military Police, the one in charge of the 'fashion police,' is not here, and so it looks to us as if fewer people are being sent back home due to 'clothes which are not appropriate for work in the field!'
On his own initiative, Lieutenant Shalev from the DCO walks with us all the way from the middle of the CP, but before we could talk to him, Achmed told him the history of his trouble with the permits. Last year we managed to arrange agricultural passage permits through the Tura CP for him and for ten other farmers from A'anin. It is far away but with the permit they could go to their lands in the seamline zone not only on Mondays and Thursdays (the days when the A'anin CP is open). Achmed received a permit to go through with his tractor. Going around the long way costs him NIS200 and an hour and a half in each direction. This week on Monday, the DCO officer Pathian notified him that paradise is over. He will no longer be able to go through the Tura CP with his tractor. Achmed has to plough between olive trees and how will he bring the plough to the grove? by carrying it? Lieutenant Shalev listens, writes notes, and promises to find out about this.
Fadi, a resident of A'anin returns and asks us to help his wife get an agricultural passage permit so that she will be able to work with him in the family's olive grove, which is 'imprisoned' in the seamline zone. About half a year ago we asked about that and we were told that in the past she tried to go through with false documents, and since then, she is being punished. All her requests to get a permit are refused. Fadi claims assertively that there was no such thing. We cannot prove it, but in our opinion, if they want her not to use a counterfeit permit, they should give her a kosher permit or they should move the fence.
All of them, with no exception are careful to greet us with a 'good morning' and a smile, including the young people whose knowledge of Hebrew is limited to these words..
Tura Shaked CP (300) 0700
Those who get to the CP have permits to go through and so they do. We must not forget that many of them, very many, do not get here and do not go through because they do not have permits for passage - no matter what the reasons that the occupiers manage to think up.
Barta'a - Reihan CP 0715
We did not go into the area of the CP. It looks very nice from afar. We met Said on the hill opposite Zebda and we gave him some clothes. An 'old' boy of 18, whom we first met when he was 9 and came to the Reihan CP to sell tea or coffee with his older brother Walid.
Old Barta'a CP (386) 0745
Deserted and clean. We have to find out if and when it is open.
We visited Walid in his place of work. From there Neta went on to the Jalameh CP in the service of the NGO 'On the Way to Recuperation', to take someone to the Rambam Hospital in Haifa.