Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked, Ya'bed-Dotan, Wed 11.9.13, Morning

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Roni Shalit, Neta Golan (reporting)

Translation: Bracha Ben-Avraham

06:00 – Reihan – Barta'a Checkpoint
Vehicles are waiting on the seamline zone side to take workers and workers are waiting for their rides. The Palestinian parking lot is still not full and people are arriving in small groups and going in quickly. Most of them work in the Shahak Industrial Zone or in East Barta'a, both of which are located in the seamline zone. Unfortunately except for a few people, those who work in Israel are not permitted to cross here, which would save them the difficult crossing at Irtah crossing (Ephraim crossing Tibeh). One of the people crossing through to Barta'a is proud of his seven and three year old children who are swimmers. They have a swimming pool in their back yard in Yaabed, but the children have never been to the sea.
Trucks are waiting to be checked.
On the way to Yaabed Checkpoint we see that the bridge is locked from both sides as usual. It is not clear why. Children from the Bedouin village of Emricha are walking to school along the road in Yaabed where it is dangerous. The bridge along the shortcut to Yaabed is locked and cars cannot pass, but pedestrians can cross there.

06:35 – Yaabed – Dotan Checkpoint
The checkpoint is open and unmanned. Evidently terrorists do not operate at this hour.
07:00 – Shaked – Tura Checkpoint
The pedestrian sleeveinfo-icon is locked and the sleeve on the seamline zone side is open with the gate tide with a piece of cord to a signpost. The soldiers arrive a bit late.
Crossing from the West Bank to the seamline zone begins at 07:10. The teachers arrive and cross in both directions. Very small children arrive on foot and cross to the village of Tura quickly. The older children follow.
At 07:25 are few people are waiting on the West Bank side, but crossing is very slow. Workers who are going to the Shahak Industrial zone in the settlements are supposed to begin work at 07:30 are going to be late for work. The garbage container is overflowing.
A resident of A'anin holds several permits: one to work in Israel, one to work in the settlements, an agricultural permit, and can cross here, but not in his car. He was told at the Liaison and Coordination Administration to arrange his vehicle registration and then received a written answer that he could not receive a permit to bring his car because he is a resident of A'anin in the West Bank and not a resident of the seamline zone.

08:00 – We drove around the Shahak Industrial area. Construction and development are still under way.