'Awarta, Beit Furik, Huwwara, Thu 18.4.13, Morning
The rain from the previous two days has renewed the color of the fields and flowers. The last blooms before summer.
06:20 Azzun Atma: About 40 Palestinians are waiting. The checkpoint is efficient. Reservists soldiers, mostly religious. In the framework of improvements, a magnometer has been introduced but it doesn’t stop the Palestinians from opening bags of food.
On the way between Oranit circle and Azzun Atma, there is much roadwork. It is unclear whether this is for widening the road or more building construction. Our taxes are at work.
Shomron crossing: There is no police presence upon leaving Israel.
06:50 Za’tara/Tapuach: A group of soldiers is performing thorough inspection on a Palestinian driver. He’s pressed against the fence for a body check. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen something like this.
Yizhar/ Burin Checkpoints: There is no army activity.
07:20: Beit Furik: There are no soldiers. At the entrance there is a giant red sign warning us of entrance to a Palestinian village. It is not prohibited; just a warning.
Awarta: The yellow barrier still blocks the passage. Here there is also a sign warning entrance, but the barrier blocks passage anyway.
07:25: Huwwara: The checkpoint is unstaffed. In front of the former warning signs are two new giant signs that prohibit Israelis from entering Palestinian Authority areas. This did not prevent a number of cars with yellow plates from entering. We didn’t stop to inquire whether they were Shomronim or Israeli Arabs.
At the hill leading up to the Bracha settlement – a soldier.
07:50 Za'tara/Tapuach: Staffed but not bothering with traffic.
Shomron crossing: Routine traffic.
Afterwards we traveled for over an hour to Kfar Hayarok crossroads.